Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Martha Cans Blueprint

So, what does it mean that Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia “misjudged the market” for Blueprint, leading to killing the magazine and making the content once again part of Martha Stewart Weddings? The Web site, which includes the Bluelines blog, will continue.

So, how did they misjudge the market? Did they have faulty data on the demographics? Did they interpret the data inaccurately? Middle-aged folks tend to think having magazines for young adults is a real keen idea until they actually see what young adults want. Geez, Maude, those kids aren’t like me at their age.

One message, perhaps: Learn those Web skills. Another: If you have an interest in the business side, you might consider going that direction. It seems magazines need people who understand audiences and the bottom line, not just the latter.

That’s my two-cents worth. Yours?

A Mediabistro blog, FishbowlNY ran a good piece on the death of Blueprint.

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