Saturday, January 26, 2008

How Does LinkedIn Know That?

LinkedIn continues to be a perplexing little electronic doodad. The LinkedIn folks give me a list of people they think I should know. Most are Drake magazine or graphic design grads, so I see that connection.

Why is my son on this list, though? He has a different last name, he’s not a Drake grad, and as far as I can tell he does not list me as his mother anywhere. What is that all about? How does LinkedIn link us?

More confusing is why the son of my daughter’s Dutch parents is also there. Yes, I’ll back up. Ellen was an exchange student in the Netherlands and was treated quite nicely, so I consider those people her Dutch parents—at least for that year. And they had a son. How and why would Arnoud be on LinkedIn’s list of people I should know?

Anybody have any answers?

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