Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wonder Magazine Dogs

I am extremely proud of and impressed by the Drake men's basketball team, which the local media are calling the Wonderdogs, for those of you living elsewhere.    They're doing a great job and it is marvelous to see them on ESPN and, this afternoon, CBS.

Still, where are the national media when Drake magazine students consistently win top national awards?  I suppose televising an editing session just wouldn't sell, huh?  DeSchepper lops off a dangling participle!  Collins follows by replacing a passive verb, but Walters challenges her with a full sentence recast.  Nelson tries a gerund, but the group blocks "ing" words. Stransky throws a free association!...


rachel. said...

This is a great post. Love it. And I'd argue our old DMAG editing sessions were quite entertaining ... but I guess not quite as much as Drake basketball this season, huh?

Patricia Prijatel said...

I forgot the coaches:
Prijatel is on the bench, shouting, "Tell me what is, not what isn't." Renkoski, on the floor, yells, "Cut! Cut! Cut!" Blachford, at the water cooler, calls, "Just do it!"

Unknown said...

Ah, I love it! All that's missing is the occasional bench-clearing brawl. There's plenty of players and coaches, but where are the referees?

Julie said...

Finally catching up on your posts ... This one is great, as Rachel said. If only the world knew how intense our "training" was—midnight editing, with sprints to Perkins and the coffee cart thrown in for good measure. Those were the glory days.